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South Africa Shooting Incident

On the morning of July 2, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Manchester gathered at the Chinese Consulate and held a peaceful protest against Jiang's followers hiring gunmen to shoot practitioners in South Africa. Practitioners also strongly condemned the Jiang faction's national terrorist acts overseas.

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Representative of Global Coalition to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice Strongly Condemned the Shooting Incident on a Press Conference at the Chinese Consulate A Practitioner Were Interviewed by German Radio Stations and A TV Channel at the Chinese Embassy During Participation in the Press Conference to Condemn the Shooting of Practitioners in South Africa
Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Rally in front of Chinese Liaison Office to Protest the Attack by Hired Assailants in South Africa Belgium: Practitioners Condemn the Terrorist Act of Hiring Gunmen to Shoot Falun Gong Practitioners Overseas
Texas: Falun Dafa Practitioners Gather in Front of the State Capitol to Condemn the Jiang Group's Terrorist Activities in South Africa Toronto, Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Condemn South African Shooting Incident and Call for Actions to Stop Jiang Regime's State Terrorism
Around 8:30 p.m. on June 28, 2004 South Africa time, A Gunman in a White Car Shot the Practitioners' Car From Behind. The Picture Shows Practitioner David Liang's Feet Seriously Injured. UK: Manchester Falun Gong Practitioners Protest Against the Hiring of Gunmen Overseas to Shoot Practitioners in South Africa
Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Held a Press Conference Outside the Chinese Embassy to Condemn the Shooting Incident in South Africa Washington, DC: Public Rally in front of the White House, Calling for a Stop to Jiang's Group's Extension of State Terrorism
Germany: Practitioners Appeal for a Thorough Investigation of the Shooting Incident in South Africa Japan: Practitioners Rally in front of the Chinese Embassy to Condemn Jiang Group's State-Terrorism
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