Reports from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania ---On June 11, 12, and 14, Falun Gong practitioners held press conferences at Riga, the capital of Latvia, at Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and at Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, respectively. Major local media including over 20 TV stations, radio stations and newspapers sent reporters to attend the press conferences. As a victim of the persecution, while carrying her 2-year-old daughter Ms. Dai Zhizhen told the story of her husband Mr. Chen Chengyong, who was beaten to death by the police simply for appealing for Falun Gong. She also talked about the story of her sister-in-law, who was sentenced to a forced labor camp for refusing to give up her cultivation practice. Dai's father-in-law was not able to endure the emotional anguish and passed away shortly after his son's death.
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