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Sharing Technical Experience

(2/5/02): FLASH animation document is small, the picture is clear, and is advantageous for through transmission and so on email. In addition, also is easy to transform the AVI document, makes the music, song, and animation Kara OK VCD.

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How to make a Vehicle Roof Light-Box to Introduce Dafa How to Create VCD with DiscJuggler Software
Method to Optimize Pictures How to Make Poster Stands
How to Remove Jamming of Dafa Broadcasting Method to Make Slogan Banners with Window & A4 Printer
How to Create VCD Using Macromedia Flash Software Method to Create Professional VCD with a Computer
Basic Photographic Skills and Composition How to Use Selenium Drum Effectively
Method to Enhance Ink-Jet Printer to Print Effectively The Simple Course of Dodge Picture: Vivid (Ulead VideoStudio)
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