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Torture Methods

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Published on 5/21/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- Nos. 1 - 7. Word on the bottle is "Alcohol." The policeman says: "Can you handle going on hunger strike? We have plenty of ways to deal with you!" Damaging force-feeding is not the same as the normal medical feeding procedure that is used to save lives. The persecutors in China use it as a cruel torture to force practitioners to give up their belief. Hence, this force-feeding is very brutal. According to reports, there have been up to 100 practitioners who died as a result of brutal force-feedings administered by non-professional persons (including prisoners), and a large number of practitioners experience serious side effects from these force-feedings.
Published on 5/21/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- Nos. 1 - 7. words on illustration: The policeman says, "This is what you get for practicing! The Party will most certainly fix you!" The torture is called "Flying," or "Jet Plane." In this torture, the head is bent down until it cannot go down any further, while the hands are pulled up and held up at the highest point against the wall. The practitioner is forced to hold this position unchanged for a long time period (more than 10 hours). If a practitioner refuses to comply, he/she will be shocked with an electric baton or beaten to the point of losing consciousness. Police will then roughly wake up the practitioner and continue the torture.
Published on 5/21/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- Nos. 1 - 7. This is a very cruel torture commonly used by labor camps and brainwashing classes. With both hands shackled behind the back, and both feet off the ground or only the toes touching the ground, one is hung from a basketball support or a building beam, by the handcuffs. Both hands and arms will go numb from lack of blood circulation, and the arms can become disabled. At the same time, practitioners are often beaten with clubs and leather whips.
Published on 5/21/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- Nos. 1 - 7. This is another commonly used torture inflicted on Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to give up their belief. The practitioner is put in heavy shackles which are locked onto the ground (making it impossible to move). Then both hands are shackled between the thighs with a "Death Cuff" (a special handcuff that is extremely tight).

This torture forces the practitioner to sit for a long time, and he/she can not take care daily needs such as walking, standing, using the bathroom, or eating. This torture typically results in muscle damage, swelling of the hands and feet, sleeplessness, uneasiness, and even mental collapse. It is very hard to endure. All persons who went through this torture found it too painful to talk about.
Published on 5/26/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- No. 8: Burning Practitioners With Red Hot Objects. One of the torture methods used in interrogation rooms, forced labor camps and brainwashing centers under the Public Security System is to use extremely hot objects to burn Dafa practitioners’ bodies.

Police use lit cigarettes to burn practitioners’ faces, often leaving black scars on their faces. Some of the most vicious police have deliberately burned the faces of beautiful young female practitioners, thus permanently disfiguring them. 

This form of torture includes using cigarette lighters to burn practitioners’ faces (even to burn their eyebrows off), their chins, hands, thighs, or private parts. 

At other times, specially made iron bars are heated in burning charcoal until they become red-hot. They are then used to burn practitioners’ chests and thighs.
Published on 5/27/2004 Anti-torture exhibition in Chicago. Federal Plaza, on May 24-26, 2004, practitioners used props to exhibit actual torture devices Jiang’s followers use to torture Falun Gong practitioners. This was just a small example of some of the tortures practitioners in China are being subjected to.
Published on 5/27/2004 Anti-torture exhibition in Chicago. Federal Plaza, on May 24-26, 2004, practitioners used props to exhibit actual torture devices Jiang’s followers use to torture Falun Gong practitioners. This was just a small example of some of the tortures practitioners in China are being subjected to.
Published on 5/27/2004 Anti-torture exhibition in Chicago. Federal Plaza, on May 24-26, 2004, practitioners used props to exhibit actual torture devices Jiang’s followers use to torture Falun Gong practitioners. This was just a small example of some of the tortures practitioners in China are being subjected to.
Published on 5/28/2004 Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (9 - 12). Pouring Freezing Cold Water Over People. In the freezing cold winter, the police instigate criminals to keep pouring cold water on practitioners, causing them to be frozen, suffer frostbite and numbness. Sometimes part or all of their body would become paralyzed. Some people even suffer loss of speech and memory.
Published on 5/29/2004 Torture Method 13: The Tiger Bench (Illustration). During this torture, police tie the victim’s legs tightly to the tiger bench using belts. They then put bricks or some other hard objects under the victim’s feet. They keep adding layers of bricks until the belts break. Victims endure unbearable pain and often pass out during these torture sessions.
Published on 6/6/2004 "Hanging a Barrel" -- A Torture Method Used by the Dalian Police to Persecute Dafa Practitioners (Illustration).
Published on 6/7/2004 Ten Methods Commonly Used to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners (Illustrations).