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Torture Methods

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Published on 10/3/2003 Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp uses cable spindles as instruments of torture.This cable spindle’s diameter is 20 centimeters, and it is 30 centimeters high. The top has many small grooves.Even if they wear padded cotton pants, after three or four days of sitting on the spindle, their bottoms become bruised and lacerated. They then have difficulty walking.
Published on 11/27/2003 Schematic drawing of Wangcun Labor Camp, showing the locations of departments and buildings. The labor camp tortured many Dafa practitioners. Wangcun labor camp is in Zibo, Shandong Province.
Published on 11/27/2003 Schematic drawing of Wangcun Labor Camp, showing the locations of departments and buildings. The labor camp tortured many Dafa practitioners.
Published on 12/19/2003 Head of the Jilin Jail Attempts To Brainwash Dafa Practitioners Using the Cruel "Fixed-Bed" Torture (Illustration). The "Fixed-Bed" torture is conducted in 3 steps:

Step 1: Person’s four limbs are bound to the 4 corners of the hard bed;

Step 2: Once limbs are bound to the bed, the body is lifted high in the air and is stretched in all four directions, causing severe pain;

Step 3: After the body is lifted and stretched, a rolled up quilt is forced under the body to hold the stretching position. The body is then continuously stretched in four directions and then the body is pressed down to cause the maximum pain.
Published on 12/29/2003 The Criminal Record of the Public Security Division Head of Weifang City Development District, Shandong Province. Ming Zhongliang (male, in his 50’s)urged his police to break into Dafa practitioners’ homes by climbing over the walls, prying the doors open and breaking the locks. Then they abducted three female Dafa practitioners separately, taking them to the Weifang Industrial Officials’ School for attempted brainwashing. At these homes the police left four rubber-covered police batons and one steel rod, and these implements became the evidence of their persecution against Dafa practitioners.
Published on 1/4/2004 Illustrations of Torture Methods Used in Chinese Detention Centers and Forced Labor Camps, Part 1. In forced labor camps, prison guards use electric batons to torture practitioners to force them to give their belief.
Published on 1/17/2004 Jinzhou District Dentention center used many crude torture methods to torment practitioners. One of them, which is called "running," consisted of a square metal frame about 1 x 1 foot in dimension, with 4 handcuffs made of heavy steel at the four corners. Two are used to shackle the hands and the other two are for the feet. If one of the handcuffs moves, it will twist or pinch a practitioner’s wrists and ankles, causing extreme pain. The practitioners had to bend over by almost 90 degrees when walking, with the hips up and face down. They were only able to look at the ground right in front of their feet. Every step taken was only about 3 inches at a time with their flesh twisted and it was very painful. (See illustration)
Published on 2/23/2004 Police in Zhuhai Brainwashing Session, Guangzhou torture practitioners by tying their whole body tightly. Both hands of a practitioner are tightly tied from behind and moved up. Police force the practitioner to sit cross-legged and bend forward, then tie his whole body around and hang him up with a rope connecting to his hands.
Published on 4/25/2004 Dalian City’s Jinzhou District Detention Center Beats Practitioners with Metal Studded Belts to Torture Them. The "leather board" consists of a wide rubber belt with a handle, as well as several rows of large, shiny metal studs.
Published on 5/21/2004 This is another very cruel torture commonly used by forced labor camps and brainwashing classes on Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to give up their belief. First, the practitioner’s legs and feet are tied tightly together, with the arms and hands tied behind the back. Then the practitioner’s neck and legs are tied together very tightly, almost causing suffocation. The whole body is then pushed under the bed (see illustration), and several people sit on top of the bed, forcibly pressing down on the practitioner’s back, almost causing the spine to fracture. This torture often results in severe injuries.
Published on 5/21/2004 This is one of the commonly used tortures inflicted by labor camps and brainwashing classes. This torture makes the practitioner’s blood back-flush, and can result in loss of consciousness or even death after a long period of time. Sometimes the police forbid the practitioner to use the toilet, and hang the practitioner upside down to humiliate him or her.
Published on 5/21/2004 Drawings of Torture Techniques -- Nos. 1 - 7. This torture is commonly used by police hospitals, detention centers, and forced labor camps on Falun Dafa practitioners who refuse to give up their belief. The practitioner’s lower body is tied onto the sides of a bed, with his hands intentionally handcuffed on the sides of the bed above or below, to the extreme, so there is no way to move. Some Falun Dafa practitioners are tortured like this for one week or several weeks, with some even tortured like this for as long as four months.

This torture prevents the practitioner from changing position even a bit, let alone turning the body. After a long period of time, the muscles are damaged, the mind becomes uneasy, scabies grow, and the practitioner experiences extreme pain.