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Press Conferences

Australia's Hearing Regarding the Truth of Falun Dafa On August 23 (Wednesday), about one hundred Australian Falun Dafa practitioners went to the Chinese Embassy in the capital city of Canberra, and held a hearing and photo review regarding Falun Dafa.

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Taiwan: Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Form 'Great Wall of Justice' to Protest the Jiang Taiwan: Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Form 'Great Wall of Justice' to Protest the Jiang Faction's Persecution and Genocide
Practitioner Yoko Kaneko holds press conference in Tokyo to reveal her experience in China. Dec. 22, 2003 New York Practitioners Hold a Press Conference to Clarify the Truth on the Opening Day of RNC
Kan Hung-cheung shows the indictment against Jiang Zemin and a photo of a Falun Gong practitioners being arrested in front of many people, Oct. 2000 Falun Gong practitioners hold  a press conference in Washington DC, July 20, 2000
Practitioners practice the exercise behind the picture shows outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra, Aug. 23, 2000 Australian practitioners gather in front of the Capitol of Australia and hold a press conference  Nov. 8, 2000
A press conference held in Montreal regarding the release of professor Zhang Kunlun, Jan.19, 2001 Amnesty International and Falun Dafa practitioners in Moscow hold a press conference entitled 'Falun Gong: Truth in China and Moscow.' Jan. 22, 2001
Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Press Conference in Geneva, March 19, 2001 A Falun Gong practiioner exposes Jiang's regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong at a press conference in Geneva, April 18, 2001
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