United Nations Commission on Human Rights
Falun Gong practitioners hold a press conference in Washington DC, July 20, 2000
Truth Hearing in Australia
Press Conference in Hong Kong
Kan Hung-cheung shows the indictment against Jiang Zemin and a photo of a Falun Gong practitioners being arrested in front of many people, Oct. 2000
Practitioners do group practice at Gold Gate Park in San Francisco Bay Area to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, May 13, 2001
Practitioners in Canada hold a press conference, Ms. Zhu Ying recounts her unreasonable detention in China, June 22, 2001
Practitioners hold a press conference in Spain to call for urgent rescue of practitioners in China, July 12, 2001
Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners hold a press conference in Washington DC to condemn the persecution, July 20, 2001
A big wreath with a big Chinese character means "In Memory of" accompanied by two practitioners at DC press conference site, July 20, 2001
Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners hold a press conference in Washington DC to condemn the persecution, July 20, 2001
Spokesperson for Falun Dafa Info Center speaks at a press conference at National Press Club, Jan.2, 2002
Falun Gong practitioners hold press conference in Belgium to announce the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, Jan, 7, 2002
Australian pracititoner David Lubec accepts interview from media at press conference outside Chinese Consulate in Sydney, Mar. 9, 2002
New York practitioners hold banners outside City Hall at press conference on Changchun insident. Mar. 26, 2002
Practitioners hold press conference in front of Washington DC Federal Court to annouce lawsuit. Apr. 3, 2002
Canadian MPs and Falun Dafa Practitioners hold joint press conference right before APEC, Oct. 23, 2002
Clarify Truth to Europe Council Members About Hong Kong "Article 23" Legislation
Press conference held opposite Chinese Embassy in London commemorating April 25th Peaceful Appeal. Apr. 25, 2003
President of "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" John Zhao at press conference. May 14, 2003
Practitioners in Sweden hold press conference to rescue Pirjo Svensson. May 23, 2003
UK practitioners hold press conference in front of Chinese Embassy to support Charles Li and lawsuit against Jiang. Jun 5, 2003
Ireland Falun Gong practitioners hold press conference to support the lawsuit against Jiang. July 5, 2003
Bulgaria practitioners hold press conference regarding the art exhibition being cancelled due to pressure from Chinese Embassy. Oct. 09, 2003
Falun Gong practitioners and their lawyer hold press conference in Madrid regarding lawsuit against Jiang. Oct 15, 2003
European practitioners hold press conference regarding the lawsuit against Jiang. Dec. 17, 2003
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrate the exercise at a press conference held in Oct. 1999 in Beijing
Canadian practitioners hold press conference regarding the rescue of Lin Shenli to Canada. Jan.19, 2002
Nearly 20 Countries Europan Practitioners Gather in London Appeal to Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong which Continuous for 5 Years
New Zealand: Press conference in front of the Parliament House to protest organ harvesting atrocities in China [March 14, 2006]
A press conference in front of the Parliament House in Queensland, Australia on June 7, 2006 to call for an end to the persecution
Australian teenager Falun Gong practitioners hold an press conference to announce their SOS van tour to rescue fellow practitioners in China [July 3, 2006]