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Peaceful Appeal-Meditation

After the parade on July 19 and 20, on the afternoon of July 21, practitioners from all parts of France participated in activities in front of the Chinese Embassy to protest against four years of persecution by Jiang's evil regime. The practitioners told the truth to the French people and exposed Jiang Zemin's deceitful lies; they called on all French citizens to support the lawsuit against Jiang Zemin and help to stop the persecution.

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Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Held Peaceful Appeal Outside teh Hall in Hong Kong on April 25, 2002 800 Falun Gong Practitioners from over 20 Countries Stand on United Nations Square in Geneva and Call for Help to Stop the Human Rights Violations in China in April 2001
Peaceful appeal during UN Summit in 2002 Hong Kong Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal in Front of China's Laison Office in Hong Kong
San Francisco Practitioners' Appeal Enters Its First Week - City Council Member Expresses Support in March 2002 Hong Kong Practitioners Commemorate the Third Anniversary of the 4.25 Appeal
In front of the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, Fadu held her father's photo in her arms and appeal in 2003 On the 59th United Nations Commission on Human Rights, over a thousand Falun Gong practitioners convened in Geneva, Switzerland to appeal and call for help to stop the Jiang regime from persecuting innocent Falun Gong
France: Dafa Practitioners Gather in front of the Chinese Embassy to Appeal against the Persecution Hong Kong Practitioners Promote the Fa During National Day 2000
During 2001 Hong Kong Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing, Practitioners from 23 Countries Sit-in in Front of China's Laison Office and Call for an End of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China Australian Practitioners Once Again Appeal to Australian Parliament in February 2001
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