Appeal to Chinese government in front of Xinhua News Agency offices in Hong Kong
800 Falun Gong Practitioners from over 20 Countries Stand on United Nations Square in Geneva and Call for Help to Stop the Human Rights Violations in China in April 2001
Washington DC: Practitioners Hold Hunger Strike in front of Chinese Embassy and Call for an end of the Persecution of Falun Gong in August 2001
Canberra, Australia: Practitioners' Peaceful Appeal Enters 108th Day in Front of Chinese Embasssy in December 2001
AP Photo: Falun Gong practitioners held peaceful appeal during 59th UN Human Rihgts Commission in 2002
Peaceful appeal during UN Summit in 2002
Practiitoners in Melbourne held peaceful appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in December 2003
Practitioners in Ukraine held peaceful appeal in fornt of Chinese Embassay in 2002
Practitioners held peacful appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in 2002
Ireland: Falun Gong practitioners appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in Dublin in 2002
Practitioners call on Israeli President to help rescue practitioner Xong Wei before the president leaves for China on December 8 adn 9, 2003
During Wen Jiabao's visiting of Germany, Falun Gong practitioners hold peaceful appeal
Practitioners hold peaceful appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in Denmark on July 20, 2004 and called for an end of the persecution
Practitioners hold peaceful appeal in front of Chinese Embassy in Hungary on July 20, 2004 and call for an end of the perescution
Practitioners Gather in Front of Chinese Embassy in Sweden and Call for an End of the Persecution of Falun Gong and Bringing Jiang to Justice (November 2004)
Practitioners in Finland protested the CCP violence in front of the Chinese Embassy on February 11, 2006
New Zealand: Practitioners protested CCP's Organ Harvesting Atrocities outside the Chinese Embassy [March, 2006]