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Truth Clarification at Tourist Sites

Italy: Falun Dafa Becomes More Popular on the Island of Sardinia (Photos)

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Greece: Introducing Falun Gong During the Olympic Games in Athens Russia: Introducing Falun Gong in the Far East and Exposing the Persecution
Korea Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong to Tourists in Naejangsan Mountain Introduce Falun Gong and Clarify the Truth in Zlin City
Falun Gong Practitioners Demonstrate Exercises in Radnicne Square Sixth 4.25 Appeal Anniversary: Moscow Practitioners Hold Photo Display in Downtown
Sixth 4.25 Appeal Anniversary: Moscow Practitioners Hold Photo Display in Downtown Promoting Falun Gong and Exposing the Persecution in Augsburg, Germany [2005-5-7]
Practitioners Promote Falun Gong and Expose the Persecution at the Square of Human Rights in Paris (Parvis des Droits de l¡¯Homme au Trocad¨¦ro) [July 3, 2005] Group exercises in front of the Parliament Hill in Canada [July 20, 2005]
Clarifying the truth at the tourist spots on the Island of Sardinia, Italy [August 2005] Rescue Falun Gong Children Persecuted in China event at the Human Rights Plaza in Paris: Two little girls wrote on November 20, 2005, 'Children' rights: China'
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