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Truth Clarification at Tourist Sites

Germany: Group practice in a park in Ulm [Before 2006]
Falun Dafa in Europe (VIII): Germans Learn and Practice Falun Gong (Photos)

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Germany: Group practice in a park in Ulm [Before 2006] A practitioner under hunger strike accepted interview in front of Parliament Hill, Canada on March 15, 2006
Practitioners in the Netherlands exposed the CCP's crimes in Sujiatun concentration camp: A group of young people look at photo displays [March 22, 2006] Vancouver, Canada: Practitioners held a 'Great Wall of Truth' activity in Richmond on April 8, 2006 to call for an end to the live organ harvesting atrocities
Practitioners held a rally at the Federal Square in Chicago on April 25, 2006, commemorating 'April 25' and protested the CCP's brutal persecution Austrian practitioners staged a protest against the CCP regime's cruel persecution during an informal meeting of E.U. Health Ministers on April 26, 2006
Bologna, Italy: A civilian Signed a petition in support of Falun Gong on April 25, 2006 A reenactment on the street in Berlin,Germany to expose the CCP's atrocities: 'Surgeon' in green outfit holding up a sign reading: 'Removing organs from live people - killing - cremation' [April 29, 2006]
Ms. Zhou Xuefei who had been subjected to torture in a labor camp in China spoke at a rally in Alabama on April 30, 2006 to expose the CCP's persecution Falun Gong practitioners in Chicago hold a rally at Federal Plaza calling for action to end the CCP's atrocities: Passersby read display about the persecution.
Falun Gong practitioners in Canada hold a rally in front of the Parliament building to expose the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. Many people visit practitioners' display [July 15, 2006] Falun Gong practitioners in Los Angeles held a series of activities on July 15, 2006 at the Santa Monica to expose the CCP's crimes to the public: Practitioners' display attracked many people
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