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Falun Gong Free Exercise Instruction Classes

During the summer vacation, to relieve the students from the stress of studies and other psychological pressures,practitioners were invited to conduct a Falun Gong seminar in Changhua Jail. Nearly 70 young inmates studied Zhuan Falun, Hong Yin,and The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa and learned how to practice the exercises.

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Taiwan: Falun Gong Classes at Jiayi Teachers Summer Camp Taiwan: Falun Gong Classes at Jiayi Teachers Summer Camp
Taiwan: Young Inmates from Changhua Jail Benefit from Falun Gong Seminar Taiwan: Young Inmates Benefit Tremendously from Falun Gong Seminar in Changhua Jail
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Local Media and Listerners Welcomes Falun Dafa in Cajamarca, Peru Falun Dafa Workshop At the Public Library, San Diego, California
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