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Falun Gong Free Exercise Instruction Classes

Taiwan: Falun Gong Study Session
Taiwan Falun Gong practitioners held Falun Gong study session and taught the exercises.

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Taiwan: Falun Gong Study Session  Advocates of Nature and Environmental Protection Association Learns Falun Dafa, Barcelona, Spain
A Falun Gong Study Camp for Teachers in Gaoxiong, Taiwan Taiwan: Yilan Falun Gong Practitioner Held Falun Gong Study Session for Teachers
Falun Gong Study Session, Tainan, Taiwan  Iceland: Children Learning Falun Gong Exercises
Taiwan: Falun Gong Winter Study Camp for Teachers Taiwan: Falun Gong Study Camp for Teachers
Falun Gong 9-Day Video Lecture At the National Chiao Tung University Study Camp for Teachers Korean Falun Dafa Association Invited By Spiritual Science Association to Introduce Falun Dafa
Falun Dafa 9-Day Video Seminar,  Lima, Peru Falun Gong Exercise Classes,  York University Toronto, Canada
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