Selected Photos  ›  World Falun Dafa Day  ›  Canada   (page 1 of 2)


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Practitioners in Cities of Waterloo and Kitchener, Canada Send Forth Righteous Thoughts during Celebration of the World Falun Dafa Day May 13, 2002 Canada Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day May 13, 2000
Canada Practitioners Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day May 13, 2000 Group Practice During the First Canada Falun Dafa Festival on May 20, 2001
Practitioners Practice Falun Dafa Exercises in front of Parliament in Quebec City, Canada May 21, 2001 A Member of Parliament Delivers a Speech at a Gatherings to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day in Montreal, Canada on May 11, 2002
Canada Montreal Falun Dafa Practitioners Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Public Introduction of Falun Dafa in Chinatown with Song and Dance  May 11, 2002
Montreal Falun Dafa Practitioners Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Public Introduction of Falun Dafa in Chinatown with Song and Dance  May 11, 2002 Visitors Viewing the 'Journey of Falun Dafa' Exhibition in Toronto during Celebration of  'World Falun Dafa Day' May 13, 2002
Practitioners Held a Press Conference at Parliament to Expose the Crimes That Ding Guangen Committed In Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners May 13, 2002 Canada: Ottawa and Montreal Dafa Practitioners Celebrate the 11th Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Introduction to the Public at Parliament Hill  on May 13, 2003
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