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Wondrous Scenes

Magnificent Energy Field At Erjianbi Beacon In South Taiwan

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The Light Shielded above an Ireland Practitioner During Practice Falun Appears while a practitioner practices
A weeping Madonna in the city of Perth in Australia attracts pilgrims to visit Loops of Falun emblems at the Oriental Health Expo in Beijing
The Large Leshan Buddha Statue in Sichuan Province Shows the Rarely Seen 'Buddha Light;' Thousands of People Witness the Scene Spectacular energy field appeared in a morning group practice of practitioners in Taiwan in December 2000,
A Strange Pattern with 420 Circles in a Wheat Field in England Buddha Flowers Appearred on the Face of a Buddha Statue in a Temple in Korea -  Indicating the Time for the Falun Sage to Rectify the Fa
A Ladder to Heaven, as seen by someone with their celestial eye open.  There was no ladder that anyone else could see. Magnificent Energy Field (I)
Egg with Handle -- the spouse of a practitioner told her "IĄŻ ll believe in Falun Dafa the day an egg grows a handle." The next day, a chicken in their yard lays an egg with a handle on it. A 2000 Year Old Ancient Mirror Reflects 'Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara' in the light
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