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Illegal Detention & Sentencing

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Jianhui, a graduate from Zhejiang Province Traditional Medicine College, was arrested in Ningbo City on May 12 2004 and sentenced to one year forced labor without a trial.

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Henan Practitioner Song Xu Sentenced to Forced Labor China Air Force Officer Illegally Imprisoned
Liang Hua Sentenced to 12-Years Imprisonment Shandong Practitioner Lu Guiling Illegally Jailed for  One Year
Mr. Chen Hao Abducted to Brainwashing Class Young Mother Gao Yueli Kidnapped
Zhou Jianhui Was Jailed in Forced Labor Camp for One Year Ms. Li Hong and Her Brother Both Jailed in Tianjing City
Hao Lihua Illegally Sentenced to Prison
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