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Torture Methods

Illustrations of Torture Methods Used in Chinese Detention Centers and Forced Labor Camps. The foot shackle is combined with handcuffs. One hand is handcuffed to the other hand between two legs. The shackle weighs over 20 pounds. The policemen torture determined practitioners this way for a long time. The practitioners who are tortured this way cannot go to sleep, walk, stand, use the bathroom, or eat a meal. They have to walk in a half-squatting and bowing position.

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Hung by the Thumbs Suffocating Practitioners with a Plastic Bag
Bent-Up Specially Rigged Shocking Device Used on Open Wounds
Hung up and Beaten Tied Up and Beaten with Tools
Force Feeding on Dead Person's Bed Brutal Forced Feeding
Combining shackle with handcuffs to make the practitioners hard to move Tying the Ropes
 Handcuffed Behind the Back Confined in Solitary Compartment
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