Selected Photos  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death   (page 16 of 19)


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Practitioner Xu Yufeng from Xiangning, Hubei, 46 years old, died accidently when evading police arresting on October 8, 2003. Jilin Practitioner Ms. Liu Mingka, 45, Died from Persecution on June 15, 2002
Jilin Father and Son Both Persecuted to Death Wuhan Practitioner Tortured to Death
Daqing Practitioner Gao Shuqin, 51, Die from Persecution on March 27, 2004 Liaoning Practitioner Tortured to Death in Huludao Forced Labor Camp
Master's Graduate Tortured to Death for His Belief Sichuan Practitioner Tortured to Death by Xinhua Forced Labor Camp
Su Guilin from Tielin, Liaoning Province dies as a result of persecution on September 20, 2006 at age of 60. Shandong Practitioner Beaten to Death by Government Officials
Anhui Practitioner Tortured to Death Liaoning Practitioner Beaten to Death by the Police
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