Selected Photos  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death   (page 11 of 19)


Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen, 39, was tortured to Death by Mengyin County "610 Office" and Detention Center in Shandong Province ******repeat photo********

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Practitioner Zhou Yulin from Liaoning, was tortured to death on September 20, 2002. Practitioner Han Fuxiang, 66 years old, from Fushun, Liaoning, was tortured to death in 1999 by local police.
Jilin Practitioner Tortured to Death by Changchun City Police Young Beijing Doctor Persecuted to Death
Woman Dies after Four Months of Torture Shandong Practitioner Beaten to Death by Mengyin County
Heilongjiang Practitioner Tortured to Death during Spring Festival Jiangxi Practitioner Killed at the Nanchang City Jail
Jilin Practitioner Dies after Relentless Police Harassment Hebei practitioner Beaten to Death by Ningjing County Detention Center
Liaoning Practitioner Tortured to Death at the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp Hebei Practitioner Tortured to Death by First Labor Camp in Tangshan City
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