Selected Photos  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death   (page 6 of 19)


Falun Gong practitioner Wang Bin, born on August 2, 1956, was beaten to death on September 24, 2000 at the Daqing Men's Labor Re-education because he refused to write letters of repentance.

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Elderly Shandong Practitioner Beaten to Death  Practitioner  from Heilongjiang Province Beaten to Death in Daqing Forced Labor Camp
Harbin Practitioner Beaten to Death by Beijing Police Liaoning Practitioner Tortured to Death in Lianshan Police Station
Beijing Woman Died from Injuries in Police Beating Jilin Woman Tortured to Death for Appealing for Falun Gong
19-year-old Jilin  Practitioner Beaten to Death by Beijing police Henan Practitioner Died from Torture at Zhenping County Detention Center
Jiangxi Practitioner  Died from Force-feeding in Beijing Mentougou Detention Center Jiangxi Practitioner Tortured to Death in Police Custody
Anhui Practitioner Tortured to Death Henan Practitioner Violently Beaten to Death by Police Officers
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