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Relentless Persecution Causes Countless Tragedies All Over China (Photos)

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Practitioner from Inner Mongolia Tortured to Death Jilin Practitioner Jin Huili, 62, Died from Persecution 4 days after 2004 Chinese New Year
Family Photo of Murdered Jilin Practitioner Jilin Practitioner Hou Zhanhai, 45, Died from Persecution in November 2001
Mr. Zhao Yingqi from Tangshan City Tortured to Death in a Forced Labor Camp on December 30, 2002 Practitioner Li Guoshun from Longyan City Died from Persecution on October 14, 2004
Heilongjiang Practitioner Ms. Yang Hailing, 35, Died from Persecution on April 12, 2003: Yang's body was covered with black and blue marks Mr. Huang Yongzhong, a Falun Gong practitioner in his thirties, was severely beaten in Beijiang Prison, Guangdong Province. He passed away a few days after his release, on the afternoon of July 22, 2006.
Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Shoushan died from persecution on September 6, 2006, at age 58.
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