Selected Photos  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death   (page 9 of 19)


22-year-old male Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Zhenzhong died from brutal force-feeding by police in Tangyin County, May, 2001.

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Hebei Practitioner  Died Resisting Persecution in Detention Center Heilongjiang Practitioner  Died in Police Custody
Shandong Practitioner Beaten to Death by Public Officials Gansu Practitioner Died Resisting Persecution
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Young Woman Tortured to Death Shandong Practitioner Murded
Ningxia Woman Tortured to Death at Mental Hospital Chongqing Practitioner Murdered by 610 Office
Volunteer Assistant in Gansu Tortured to Death UniversityTeacher Dies from Injuries Sustained in Police Beating
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