The gunman's bullets punctured the tires from behind and broke the cooling radiator. The engine overheated because of the water leaking, it slowed down and eventually stopped running. The practitioners' car slowed down, the gunmen's car overtook the practitioners' car and shot at them as they were driving parallel. The gunmen tried to force the practitioners' car off the road with their car. Bullets went through driver Mr. David Liang' feet and shattered the heel bones in his right foot. Given that he could no longer step on the brakes, his car went off the road. The car went over a water channel about 1.5 feet wide and 1 foot deep, and passed through knee-high grass at a still high speed. The car stopped after about 100 feet. The gunman stopped his car and watched the practitioners' car for a few seconds after the practitioners' car drove off the highway, and then the gunman took off.
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