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Falun Dafa Is Warmly Received During the Austrian Health Expo

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Introduce Falun Dafa at Helsinki Exhibition 2003 Australian Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Psychic New Age Expo
New Jersey Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in 'Mind, Body, Spirit Health Expo' Introducing Falun Dafa at Dallas International Festival in July 2000
Introducing Falun Gong at the 2001 TNT Radio Station's New Year's Party in Taipei Promoting Falun Dafa at A Qigong Exhibition in Russia in January 2001
Germany Practitioners Participate in Hanover Supernatural Expo for the Second Time Introducing Falun Dafa at Switzerland Fribourg Health Exposition
Falun Dafa Introductory Seminar Everyday at Spain's National Health Fair Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Ukrainian Social Groups Expo in November 2002
Falun Dafa Is Warmly Received During the Austrian Health Expo Clarifying the Truth at a Spiritual Health Fair in Hanover, Germany
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