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Truth Clarification at Tourist Sites

In mid-August,2003, practitioners from Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, together with Portuguese practitioners, came together and spent their summer vacation spreading Falun Dafa in Spanish cities.

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Ukraine Practitioners Clarify Truth in Kiev Belgian Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa and Clarify the Truth in Brussels on July 20th
Germany Falun Gong Practitioners Expose the CCP's Brutal Persecution in Frankfurt Roemer Introducing Falun Dafa in Mexico City
Introducing Falun Dafa on Information Day on Teneriffa Island, Spain Russia: Practitioners in Moscow Persistently Practice Falun Dafa Exercises Outdoors to Introduce Dafa
Spain: Touring the Country to let People know about Falun Dafa Clarifying the facts at a famous tour spot in Seville, Spain
Spain: Touring the Country to Let People Know about Falun Dafa Sweden Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong in Uddevalla
California: Practitioners Commemorate the Seventh Anniversary of Master Teaching the Fa in Northern California Australia: Petals of Peace Initiative Launched in Queensland
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