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Truth Clarification in Chinatown

On April 25, 2002, Philadelphia practitioners gathered in Chinatown to hold a candlelight vigil to commemorate the third anniversary of 10,000 Chinese practitioners peacefully appealing in Beijing. From afternoon to night, the practitioners displayed poster boards and played videos of the Jiang regime's staged immolation incident in Tiananmen Square. Many Chinese and American people took the truth-clarifying materials and asked practitioners for details. During the event, the practitioners kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil.

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Western Falun Gong Practitioner Steve Plants Flowers Voluntarily in Chinatown in Boston (July 6, 2004) Promoting Falun Dafa and Clarifying the Truth in Chinatown, New York City on August 19, 2000
Chicago,IL: Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Workshops to Clarify the Truth in Chinatown on August 27, 2000 Sydney, Australia: Falun Gong Practitioners Held Continuous 35-Day Activity to Clarify the Truth in Chinatown
Toronto Practitioners Diligently Promote Dafa And Clarify The Truth To Chinese in Chinatown On August 18, 2001, New York City practitioners held a poster exhibition at the Confucius Plaza in Chinatown to clarify the truth to Chinese speaking people.
Boston Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth in Chinatown and Expose the Jiang Regime's Atrocities on January 14, 2002 Falun Gong Practitioners Explain the Fact of Falun Gong in Chinese Residential Area on January 14, 2002
Sydney Practitioners Clarify the Truth in Chinatown (April 14, 2002) Sydney Practitioners Promote Dafa and Clarify the Truth in Chinatown on April 14, 2002
Philadelphia Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil in Chinatown to Commemorate 4.25 Peaceful Appeal (April 25, 2002) Parade in New York Chinatown on the first anniversary of the crackdown.
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