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Chicago, Illinois: Millions View Dafa Practitioners' Procession in Second Largest Thanksgiving Parade in U.S. (Photos)

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Practitioners Participate in Chicago Thanksgiving Parade on November 24, 2005 New Zealand Practitioners Participate in Hamilton Chirstmas Parade 2005-12-11
New Zealand Practitioners Participate in Hamilton Chirstmas Parade 2005-12-11 Falun Gong practitioners from Melbourne were invited to the Clayton Festival Parade for the fourth time on February 26, 2006
Divine Land Marching Band Marched Los Angeles Chinatown on February 26, 2006 Falun Gong practitioners' Divine Land Marching Band participated in St. Patrick Day Parade in Washington DC on March 12, 2006
Falun Gong practitioners in East U.S. participated in St. Patrick Day Parade in Washington DC on March 12, 2006 Melbourne, Australia: Practitioners Hold a Parade to raise awareness of persecution during Commonwealth Games [March 15, 2006]
Grand Falun Gong parade in Manhattan: Reenactment of atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners committed in the Sujiatun Concentration Camp [March 25, 2006] Grand Falun Gong parade in Manhattan: Divine Land Marching Band [March 25, 2006]
Practitioners holding portraits of practitioners who have died as a result of persecution during the parade in Seattle prior to the visit of the head of the CCP on April 17, 2006 Hong Kong: Parde Called upon the international community to stop the CCP regime's genocidal killing of practitioners [April 17, 2006]
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