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Candlelight Vigil

On July 23, 2004, thousands of Falun Gong practitioners gather in Washington DC to commemorate the more than 1000 practitioners who have died from the persecution over the past five years, over 200 practitioners in Hong Kong also lit candles in Charter Park to commemorate fellow practitioners who lost their lives upholding their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.

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Hong Kong Lit Candles in Charter Park to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners Who Lost Their Lives Upholding Belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance Washington DC: Candle light vigil on July 21, 2002
Hong Kong Lit Candles in Charter Park to Commemorate Fellow Practitioners Who Lost Their Lives Upholding Belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance Practitioners In Cambridge, Hold Candlelight Vigil At Harvard Square To Commemorate 'April 25th'
Practitioners Holding a 72-hour-long Candlelight Vigil During Jiang's Visit to Germany Falun Gong Gather on Capitol Hill on July 20, 2002
Falun Gong Practitioners Rally on Capitol Hill Toronto Falun Gong Practitioners Holding a Candlelight Vigil
Photos from 2000 Asia Pacific Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Photo Report: Japanese Falun Gong Practitioners Hold Candle Light Vigil on New Year's Eve
Gathering Pure Light to Eradicate the Evil -- a Candlelight Vigil in Hong Kong Photo report: Candlelight Vigil in Geneva on Eve of UN Vote
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