Selected Photos  ›  World Falun Dafa Day  ›  USA   (page 3 of 3)


On May 9, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Washington DC gathered in front of the United States Capitol and celebrated the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day. Large banners that read "World Falun Dafa Day" and "Worldwide Celebration" were hung on tents. The practitioners performed various programs.

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Philadelphia City Council Members Attend Falun Dafa 11th Anniversary Celebration May 13, 2003 Illinois: Viewers Look at Truth-Clarification Poster Boards during Celebration of Falun Dafa Month in Capitol Hall
Washington DC: Falun Gong Practitioners Celebrate the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day in front of Capitol Hill May 9, 2004 Practitioners in Atlanta Perform Falun Gong Exercises  at Stone Mountain Celebrate Falun Dafa Day May 13, 2004
Practitioners in Atlanta, Georgia Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on May 14, 2002
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