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The Universe

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Published on 6/18/2002 Columbia University: Astronomers for the first time captured the "New Born Photo" of new stars.
Published on 6/18/2002 Astronomers for the first time captured "New Born Photo" from a supernova.
Published on 6/18/2002 Astronomers captured a "New Born Photo" for the first time.
Published on 6/24/2002 the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) aboard NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a series of breathtaking views of galaxies. NASA released some of the pictures in early June. One of the pictures showed a tumultuous collision between four galaxies, called IRAS 19297-0406, located 1 billion light-years from Earth. The galactic collision is creating a torrent of new stars. The large amount of dust generated by the collision is what produces the brilliant infrared glow.
Published on 6/24/2002 New cosmos is forming: Hubble captured collision of several galaxies, creating a torrent of new Stars.
Published on 7/3/2002 NASA captured a huge, curling solar prominence in extreme ultraviolet light (ionized helium at 304 degrees erupting from the Sun on July 1, 2002. For a sense of scale, the prominence seems to extend at least 30 Earths.
Published on 7/6/2002 NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured the "Fireworks in the Universe," caused by an explosion ten thousnad years earlier.
Published on 8/3/2002 NASA released an image of a galaxy, NGC 7673, photographed by Hubble Space Telescope. The bright blue light in the image showed that the galaxy is ablaze with light from millions of immense new stars. Each of its infant giant star clusters shines 100 times brighter in the ultraviolet spectrum as similar immense star clusters in our own Milky Way galaxy.
Published on 8/4/2002 Like a pumpkin, Earth is a bit wider around the equator than the meridian. Since the end of the last glaciations, postglacial rebound of Earth’s crust has resulted in a net transfer of mass from the equatorial regions to high latitudes.
Published on 8/4/2002 Report from American Astronomical Society: Milky Way is inching toward a new era.
Published on 8/4/2002 American Astronomical Society: Milky Way is inching toward a new era.
Published on 8/18/2002 Scientists Proposed That the Existence of the Cosmos Would Require "External Help."