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The Universe

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Published on 5/1/2002 NASA has captured a series of wonderful sights in the cosmos. On April 30, 2002, astronomers excitedly unveiled this group of, up to now the most magnificent and fabulous photos.
Published on 5/2/2002 Based on information gathered from the Hubble telescope, NASA astronomers believe that the universe was formed 14 billion years ago, plus or minus 500 million years. The astronomers said that the calculations making use of new data confirm the results of previous calculations made with earlier data.
Published on 5/3/2002 NASA published this photo, scientist believed that the taper nebula in the photo suggested formation of new celestial bodies.
Published on 5/17/2002 New stars exoplosion reveals a large scale renewal of cosmos.
Published on 5/26/2002 Asronomers captured the microwave backdrop of cosmos radiation.
Published on 5/29/2002 Photo shows the image of the Nebula called Eagle taken by Hubble Space Telescope at infrared.
Published on 5/29/2002 Photo shows the image of the Nebula called Eagle taken by Hubble Space Telescope at visible wavelengths.
Published on 6/6/2002 The near-infrared camera and multi-object spectrometer on the NASA Hubble Space Telescope penetrated through a nebula in the making to shoot the image of a cluster of dense interstellar dust called cone nebula. We can see from the image with the ground as background that the nebula is cone-shaped.
Published on 6/6/2002 The near-infrared camera and multi-object spectrometer on the NASA Hubble Space Telescope penetrated through a nebula in the making to shoot the image of a cluster of dense interstellar dust called cone nebula. We can see from the image with the ground as background that the nebula is cone-shaped.
Published on 6/6/2002 The near-infrared camera and multi-object spectrometer on the NASA Hubble Space Telescope penetrated through a nebula in the making to shoot the image of a cluster of dense interstellar dust called cone nebula. We can see from the image with the ground as background that the nebula is cone-shaped.
Published on 6/13/2002 Discovery of Frozen Water in the Mars Ignited Search for Life.
Published on 6/14/2002 astronomers discoveried a planet close to our sun.