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Europe & America

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Published on 6/25/2003 Chicago: Chinese officials film Falun Gong practitioners passing by from rooftop of Consulate (Photos)
Published on 6/25/2003 Chicago: Chinese officials film Falun Gong practitioners passing by from rooftop of consulate (Photos)
Published on 7/26/2003 "China e-Lobby:" Tracking the Jiang Regime’s persecution of Falun Gong
Published on 8/17/2003 By refusing to accept subpoena, the Chinese Communist Party violates International Convention, paintiffs rquest jdgment by dfault (Photos)
Published on 8/17/2003 By refusing to accept Subpoena, the Chinese Communist Party violates International Convention, plaintiffs request judgment by default (Photos)
Published on 8/17/2003 By refusing to accept subpoena, the Chinese Communist Party violates International Convention, plaintiffs request judgment by default (Photos)
Published on 10/15/2003 Bulgaria: Falun Gong practitioners’ painting exhibition is cancelled due to pressure from the Chinese Embassy; the cancellation of the event has stimulated far more attention and has shocked sectors of society from the high levels of government to the media.
Published on 10/24/2003 China requests U.S. Consulate in Shanghai to coerce U.S. citizen Charles Li to give up belief in Falun Gong (Photo)--Dr. Charles’ fiance contacts the US Consulate to get information about Dr. Li’s plight in jail. U.S. Consular officials in Shanghai visited Dr. Charles Li, who is being detained in Nanjing Prison on October 16.
Published on 11/3/2003 Montreal: appeals court decision to reinstate defamation trial will be recorded in Canada’s Law Books (Photo)
Published on 11/12/2003 Final trial begins against Chinese newspaper Les Presses Chinoises in Montreal for defaming Falun Gong; lawyers make statements to the court (Photos)
Published on 11/12/2003 Final trial begins against Chinese newspaper Les Presses Chinoises in Montreal for defaming Falun Gong; lawyers make statements to the court (Photos)
Published on 12/21/2003 Falun Gong practitioners hold press conference to expose slanderous lies spread by Chinese Consul-General in San Francisco (Photos)--On December 20, as Wang was going back to China, practitioners held a press conference at the airport to demand that the Jiang stop extending the persecution to other countries.