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Police Brutality (Latest Photos)

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Published on 6/15/2004 Officers from the Waitoushan Police Station in Benxi City, Liaoning Province Ransack Dafa practitioner Zhao Yuliang’s home.
Published on 6/15/2004 Officers from the Waitoushan Police Station in Benxi City, Liaoning Province Ransack Dafa practitioner Zhao Yuliang’s home.
Published on 7/7/2004 Ms. Gao Rongrong’s Face Is Severely Disfigured by Seven Hours of Electric Baton Torture in the Longshan Labor Camp
Published on 8/13/2004 Inter Mongolian practitioner Wang Xia terribly emaciated in the Huhehaote City Women’s Prison.
Published on 8/14/2004 Arm badge worn by Chinese police in labor camps
Published on 9/13/2004 Anqiu Policemen Pulled Out a Handful of a Falun Gong practitioner’s Hair.