Photo Archive  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death


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Published on 1/18/2001 On January 17, 2001 Zhang Guiqin passed away from Brutal Torture.
Published on 1/18/2001 He was tortured at the Wancheng police station and died at hospital on January 10 2001.
Published on 1/20/2001 On January 17, 2001, around 2 p.m., Zhang Guiqin passed away from Brutal Torture.
Published on 1/20/2001 On January 17, 2001, around 2 p.m., Zhang Guiqin passed away from Brutal Torture.
Published on 1/20/2001 On January 17, 2001, around 2 p.m., Zhang Guiqin passed away from Brutal Torture.
Published on 1/20/2001 On January 17, 2001, around 2 p.m., Zhang Guiqin passed away from Brutal Torture.
Published on 1/21/2001 On January 16, 2001, the Dalian City Indoctrination Center tortured her to death simply because she persisted in practicing Falun Dafa.
Published on 1/21/2001 On January 16, 2001, the Dalian City Indoctrination Center tortured her to death simply because she persisted in practicing Falun Dafa.
Published on 1/30/2001 she was beaten to death at Tuanhe Labor Camp around November 18, 2000
Published on 2/2/2001 Hefei [City, Anhui Province] Dafa practitioner Li Mei, female, 28 years old, died at Hefei Women’s Labor Camp. Her parents saw her body was covered with a quilt, only her head could be seen. Bloodstains were vaguely visible around her nose, corner of her mouth and her ears; there were black and blue wounds on her face and her neck was enclosed in gauze!
Published on 3/2/2001 Photographs of the Corpse of Practitioner Li Yanhua, An Elderly Lady from Liaoning Province Who Was Beaten to Death by the Police
Published on 3/20/2001 The cause of her death is not clear at this point.