Eight-year-old Gao Jingyu from Beijing recovered from leukemia after practicing Falun Gong, but died from fright and shock of the persecution on August 18, 2000
Elderly Shandong Practitioner Beaten to Death
Beijing Woman Died from Injuries in Police Beating
Tsinghua University Graduate Tortured to Death
Practitioner Hu Liangyou, 48 years old, died from perecution in Shaoyang Prison, Hunan and Xishui Detention Center, Hubei on January 23, 2002.
Practitioner Yao Zhuoyuan, 33 years old, was tortured to death in Guangzhou Number One Labor Camp in August 2002.
Practitioner Han Fuxiang, 66 years old, from Fushun, Liaoning, was tortured to death in 1999 by local police.
Four-year-old Girls Dies As a Result of Persecution
Woman Doctor Tortured to Death in Labor Camp
Practitioner Xu Yufeng from Xiangning, Hubei, 46 years old, died accidently when evading police arresting on October 8, 2003.
Harbin Practitioner Tortured to Death in Labor Camp
Hubei Practitioner Beaten to Death
Jilin Practitioner Tortured to Death
Shulan Practitioner Kong Fanrong, 56, Died from persecution on May 11, 2003
Liaoning Practitioner Tortured to Death in Huludao Forced Labor Camp
Heilongjiang Woman Tortured to Death in Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
Henan Practitioner Ms. Zhao Guixiang, 36, Died from Persecution on October 26, 2000
Sun Kemei from Liaoning Province was tortured to death on December 9, 2003 at age of 42.
Falun Gong practitioner Zheng Lanfeng died from persecution in Chifeng Detention Center, Inner Mongolia, China, at age 35 [February 28, 2003].
Dr. Liu Boyang, a Falun Gong practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province, was abducted by police on Oct. 28, 2005. The police in Luyuan Police Substation tortured him and pushed him off the sixth story of a building on the same day. Dr. Liu died at age 29.
Ms. Wang Shouhui, a Falun Gong practitioner in Changchun, Jilin Province, was killed in Luyuan Police Substation in early Nov. 2005, at age 57.