Photo Archive  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death


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Published on 5/25/2001 Falun Dafa Practitioner Wang Aijuan, 43, from Weifang City was beaten to death by Fangzi district police in April 2001.
Published on 5/26/2001 37-year-old  Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Xiaoling died from brutal force-feeding in Zhaodong City Detention Center on May 14, 2001.
Published on 5/26/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Shusong, 28, was beaten to death in May 2001 while detained on a train by the railway police.
Published on 6/18/2001 Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Qiuxia was tortured and beaten to death on June 9, 2001 at the Yaojia Detention Center.
Published on 6/22/2001 Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Yinping, 37, was brutally beaten to death by about 20 policeman around June 2001
Published on 6/22/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Chi Yulian died from brutal treatment while resisting persecution in the Dalian Detention Center with   hunger strike in June 2001.
Published on 6/28/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Ren Jinhuan became disabled and died around the end of April, 2000 due to vicious beating at the hands of Beijing Police.
Published on 7/6/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wu Yanshui died on May 20, 2001 after severe mental and physical torture in a detention center.
Published on 7/7/2001 Hebei Falun Dafa practitioner Zuo Zhigang was beaten to death on May 30, 2001 by Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau, Hebei Province.
Published on 7/10/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tong Zhentian, 22, died on July 4, 2001 due to injuries inflicted during torture at a Jilin labor camp.
Published on 7/18/2001 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Huajun from Baiguo Town, Macheng City, Hubei Province was burned alive after being tortured nearly to death in Macheng City Public Security Bureau in April 2001.
Published on 8/1/2001 In December of 2000,63 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Xuechun passed away after enduring brutal torture for three months for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing.