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Published on 2/22/2003 39 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen, from Shandong Province, was illegally arrested and detained in Mengyin Detention Center. She died on January 29, 2003 after enduring four months of torture,
Published on 2/22/2003 Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Shufen, 39, was tortured to Death by Mengyin County "610 Office" and Detention Center in Shandong Province  ******repeat photo********
Published on 2/24/2003 37-year-old practitioner Liu Jie was tortured to death at the Second Detention Center of Shuangcheng City on February 17, 2003 for distributing greeting cards with the Chinese characters for "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance" during the Spring Festival.
Published on 2/28/2003 Falun Gong practitioner Lan Hu from Jiujiang City was tortured to death on February 9th, 2003 in Nanchang City Jail following a 68-day detention.
Published on 3/10/2003 Fifty-three year old Falun Dafa practitioenr Mr. Ji Jingchang passed away on August 26, 2002 after he and his family endured continuous police harassment.
Published on 3/18/2003 Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tao Shangen, 65, was violently beaten at Ningjing County Detention Center in February 2003 and died soon after he was released.
Published on 3/20/2003 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yuqing, 49, from Fushun City, Liaoning Province suffered brutal beating and passed away on April 13, 2002 in Fushun City Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp.
Published on 3/26/2003 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Sun Xueyan, 72, died on January 23, 2003 from persecution endured at the Beipiao Detention Center.
Published on 3/29/2003 Three-month pregnant Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Zhixiang from Guangdong Province died on December 4, 2002, as a result of being persecuted in a brainwashing center in Guangdong.
Published on 4/5/2003 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gao Shuhua,49, died on March 26, 2003 from brutal force-feeding at the Hands of Police in Weifang City, Shandong Province.
Published on 4/10/2003 Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Ying was beaten to death at the No. 1 Division of Fushun City Police Department.
Published on 4/12/2003 Falun Gong practitioenr Chen Aizhong passed away on September 20, 2001 as a result of wounds inflicted during torture at the First Labor Camp in Tangshan City.