Appeal in front of Hong Kong Xinhui News Agency in December 1999
Appeal in July 2000 in front of the Chinese Embassy in Australia
Picture Exhibition of the Journey of Falun Dafa Held in Canberra, Australia in August 2000
Hearing about the Truth of Falun Dafa Held in Canberra, Australia in August 2000
Words on Banner: Human Rights Endewed by Nature Should Be Protected - Stop Persecuting Falun Gong
Appeal in front of the Office of China Liaison Authorities in Hong Kong in November 2000
Appeal in front of the Office of China Liaison Authorities in Hong Kong in November 2000
Appeal in front of the Office of China Liaison Authorities in Hong Kong in November 2000
Appeal in front of the Office of China Liaison Authorities in Hong Kong in November 2000
Falun Gong spiritual group appealed to the Hong Kong government on 11/17/00