A Ten Thpousand Years Old Structure Found on the Seabottom
Instrument for Measuring Location of Moon and Stars Used by Greek 3000 Years Ago
Image Of An Angel
Color Image of Buddha - Jianama Stones in Qinghai
Hopi Prophecy
Archaeologist Found a Ceramic Piece with Head Looking like Ape and Humanin the Majiabang Ruins in Zheijiang Province
A prehistoric Wall-Painting Found in Italy - dressed in Space Suit or as Hilghly Intelligent Robot
Archaeologist Found a Ceramic Piece with Half body Statues from New Stone Age in Guanghe
A Human Thighbone Found in Nevada to Suggest That Man Could Reach 2-3 Meters
A Stonecarving Founf in Peru Showing a Man was Being Chased by a Dinosaur
The Ancient Footprint with Trilobite
Crisscross of Dinosaur and Human Footprints from Cretaceous Period Discovered in Riverbed
A Man-Made Iron Hammer from Dinosaur Period
Human Faces Carved on the Floor of a Cave in France Dating Back 15,000 Years Re-Attract Attention
An Uncommon Stone Imbedded with Screw-threaded Metal Bar from a Collector in Lanzhou
The oldest image of a star pattern, that of the famous constellation of Orion, has been recognised on an ivory tablet some 32,500 years old
Human Footprints in Pleistocene Volcanic Ash
One of the Bisons on the Ceiling of Altamira in Spain, representing the Final Stage of Polychrome Art in which Four Shades of Colour are Used
One of the Bisons on the Ceiling of Altamira in Spain, representing the Final Stage of Polychrome Art in which Four Shades of Colour are Used
Discovery in Nicaragua: A Remote Antiquity Ruin Site of Mayan Culture
Scientists have found an organelle - an enclosed free-floating specialised structure - inside a primitive cell for the first time
Pottery with Dinosaur Painting on it
The Baghdad Ancient Culture: Two Thousand Years Old Battery - Photo Taken from Baghdad Muesum
theAncient Baghdad Civilization: Two Thousand Years Old Optic Glass Lenz Taken from Great Britain Museum
A Lion Head Human Carved Stone Considered to be the Oldest Statue - about Thirty Thousand Years Old
Photo of Giantic Candlestick in Nazca from 500 BC
Complex animal and a Knight from Cave of Les Trois Freres£¬France
Human Race 5300 Years Ago: A Drilled Hole of a Jadeware was Only 0.07 Millimeter