![Published on 3/23/2002 La Tribune de Geneve (Switzerland): Falun Gong practitioners appeal to United Nations](world/images/geneva23mar02_1_small.jpg) |
La Tribune de Geneve (Switzerland): Falun Gong appeal to United Nations
![Published on 3/22/2002 AP Photo: Falun Gong practitioners practicing in front of United Nations Building in Geneva](world/images/ap22mar02_1_small.jpg) |
AP Photo: Falun Gong practitioners practicing in front of United Nations Building in Geneva
![Published on 4/6/2002 Falun Gong practitioners sue the Chinese perpetrators of the perscution of Falun Gong in the USA.](world/images/bbc06apr02_1_small.jpg) |
BBC: Lawsuit in the US to bring the perpatrators of the perscution of Falun Gong to justice