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Europe (Latest Photos)

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Published on 5/11/2004 On Sunday May 9, 2004, in Trafalgar Square London, UK Dafa practitioners celebrated the 12th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public and the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day together. Crowds of people poured into the square during the celebration and came to watch the performance one group after another. Through the four-hour performance, more and more people learned about the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa.
Published on 5/17/2004
Published on 5/17/2004
Published on 5/18/2004
Published on 5/21/2004 On the 15th of May, Falun Dafa practitioners from Italy went to Castle Square in Milan to celebrate Master’s birthday, the twelfth anniversary of the public introduction of Falun Dafa and the Fifth World Falun Dafa Day.
Published on 5/21/2004 Around seventy Dafa practitioners gathered in Victory Park in St Petersburg to practise the exercises, promote Falun Dafa and tell tourists about the practice of Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that is happening in China.
Published on 5/21/2004 Around seventy Dafa practitioners gathered in Victory Park in St Petersburg to practise the exercises, promote Falun Dafa and tell tourists about the practice of Falun Dafa and the brutal persecution that is happening in China.
Published on 5/21/2004 May 13, 2004, is the fifth World Falun Dafa Day. It also marks the 12th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the world. On this special day, heaven and earth celebrate together. Falun Dafa practitioners in Moscow and nearby cities held a celebration event at a state forest park on May 16.
Published on 11/18/2004