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Human Beings and Environment (Latest Photos)

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Published on 4/8/2002 On April 8, 2002, sandstorm brought in by the strong wind two days ago continued to affect the Northern part of China. The Central Meteorology Station said in its 11 a.m. sandstorm warning on April 7 that from yesterday to today, the eastern parts of the Northwest, the central and northern parts of Northern China including Beijing and Tianjin, and the central and southern parts of Northeast China will experience sandstorms. Some areas will be hit by strong sandstorms.
Published on 4/13/2002 As the "Human Rights Scoundrel" persecutes good people, repeated sandstorms inundate Beijing.
Published on 6/22/2002 Locust infestation had caused severe damage in China.
Published on 7/5/2002 Accompanied by thunder and lightening, a downpour mixed with hail and strong winds assaulted the city.
Published on 7/5/2002 Hailstorm hit the city of Changchun as a result of good people suffered injustice.
Published on 7/13/2002 Ten days of hot weather lead many to call Beijing a sauna.
Published on 7/19/2002 Masanjia Labor Camp’s persecution of kind people brings rain and hail storms to Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.
Published on 7/24/2002 Tyranny rule and cruel torture had angered the heaven: Torrential rain and hail storms arised.
Published on 8/7/2002 Tyranny rule and evil police harm citizens - Beijing was attacked by torrential rain and muds,
Published on 8/19/2002 AFP: China floods worsen as disaster victims look to bleak future.
Published on 8/23/2002 The tyranny rule by Jiang’s regime is harmful to the natural law: River rised sharply and induced big water waves.
Published on 8/24/2002 One after another, over one hundred people have died from cancer due to water contamination in a village in Henan Province.
Published on 11/13/2002 Rare early winter sandstorms strike Shenyang and Changchun.
Published on 11/14/2002 Many cities and provinces in China attacked by gales and sand storms.
Published on 9/14/2003 A large area of land in Huludao City, Liaoning Province was plagued by insects