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Published on 3/27/2000 The First Intermediate Court of Beijing sentenced the former Falun Gong contact people Li Chang 18 years on December 26, 1999. Published on 12/25/2000 No.1 Building of Zhuangzhongyuan Published on 1/1/2000 Ji Liewu (male, from Beijing), was sentenced to prison for 12 years; Published on 1/1/2000 The First Intermediate Court of Beijing sentenced the former Falun Gong contact people Li Chang 18 years, Wang Zhi-wen 16 years, Ji Lie-wu 12 years and Yao Jie 7 years without an open trial.
Li Chang

No.1 Building of Zhuangzhongyuan

Ji Liewu

Wang Zhiwen

Published on 12/25/2000 Yuhe Town Government, Legislative Office, and Police Subdivision are all in this court Published on 12/25/2000 Suite 1, No.1 Building of Zhuangzhongyuan Published on 10/30/2000 Liang Ye-ning,a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shi-jia-zhuang of Hebei province. In her statement, she said:" Without Dafa, everything of mine will not exist. I will never go home before the probelm is solved. " Published on 11/6/2000 Australian Citizen Back in Sydney after Eight Months Detained in China
Yuhe Town Government, Legislative Office, and Police Subdivision are all in this court

Suite 1, No.1 Building of Zhuangzhongyuan

Liang Yening

Illegal deained for eight months

Published on 12/25/2000 Facility located on the west side of Reservoir Rd in Weiching District Published on 3/30/2001 During the Chinese Spring Festival, Dafa Practitioners were Illegally Detained in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

Published on 3/30/2001 During the Chinese Spring Festival, Dafa Practitioners were Illegally Detained in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province

Published on 3/30/2001 During the Chinese Spring Festival, Dafa Practitioners were Illegally Detained in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
Junbukou Brainwashing Station

Chinese Spring Festival in Shijiazhuang

Chinese Spring Festival in Shijiazhuang

Chinese Spring Festival in Shijiazhuang

Sitemap Photo Archieve Clearwisdom