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Police Brutality

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Published on 1/15/2003 Human Rights Watch: China (Jiang’s regime) continue persecuting dissidents. "The leadership moved unequivocally, however, to limit free expression and build a firewall around the Internet, to destroy Falungong even beyond China’s borders, and to eliminate dissident challenges." This photo shows that plain-cloth police snatch a banner from Falun Gong practiitoners on Tiananmen Square who hold a banner and peacefully appeal for an end of the brutal persecution.
Published on 2/24/2003 Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained at the Hong Kong Airport. A policeman curses the practitioner whom he knocked down.
Published on 2/24/2003 Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained at the Hong Kong Airport. Airport policemen try to coerce practitioner onto a return flight.
Published on 2/24/2003 Falun Gong practitioners illegally detained at the Hong Kong Airport. Five policemen carry off a practitioner.
Published on 5/13/2003 Hoisting Sails in the Ocean of the Fa to Head Home. On July 20, 1999, a nationwide arrest of Falun Gong practitioners began. From then on, the persecution was carried forward full-force in China. Soon after, a brutal persecution started throughout China under the policy "destroy their reputations, cut them off financially and annihilate them physically." These photos were taken on Tiananmen Square, where practitioners held peaceful appeal for en end of the inhumane persecution. However, Jiang faction ordered police to arrest and torture those practitioners.
Published on 6/5/2003 Receipts issued by police serve as evidence of the property they stole from Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhong Hongxi.
Published on 6/5/2003 Receipts issued by police serve as evidence of the property they stole from Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhong Hongxi.
Published on 6/5/2003 Receipts issued by police serve as evidence of the property they stole from Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhong Hongxi.
Published on 6/5/2003 Receipts issued by police serve as evidence of the property they stole from Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhong Hongxi.
Published on 7/11/2003 Walking Through Four Years of Tribulations, Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Will Gather in Washington DC to Expose the Persecution. Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appeal on Tiananmen Square to call for an end of the inhuman perscution. Police use violence to arrest practitioners and transport them to jails. The photo shows police pulling a practitioner on Tiananmen Square.
Published on 7/11/2003 Walking Through Four Years of Tribulations, Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Will Gather in Washington DC to Expose the Persecution. Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appeal on Tiananmen Square to call for an end of the inhuman perscution. Police use violence to arrest practitioners and transport them to jails. The photo shows police pulling a practitioner on Tiananmen Square.
Published on 7/11/2003 Walking Through Four Years of Tribulations, Thousands of Falun Gong Practitioners Will Gather in Washington DC to Expose the Persecution. Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appeal on Tiananmen Square to call for an end of the inhuman perscution. Police use violence to arrest practitioners and transport them to jails. The photo shows police pulling a practitioner on Tiananmen Square.