Photo Archive  ›  Brutal Persecution  ›  Tortured-to-death


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Published on 12/16/2000 Many practitioners blocked outside the cemetery by police
Published on 12/16/2000 People present flowers to Zhao Xin
Published on 12/18/2000 Hundreds attend funeral of Zhao Xin
Published on 12/28/2000 Zhao Jing was beaten to death in November 2000.
Published on 12/28/2000 Tian Baozhen passed away on December 11, 2000 due to her hunger strike and the brutal abuse.
Published on 1/4/2001 She was toture to death by Kuiwen detention center on Dec. 29th 2000.
Published on 1/4/2001 Falun Gong practitioner Xia Shucai from Zhongjing Town, Shandong Province, was beaten to death by town government officials
Published on 1/4/2001 Falun Gong practitioner Xia Shucai from Zhongjing Town, Shandong Province, was beaten to death by town government officials
Published on 1/9/2001 She was tuture to death in Haidian jail in Beijing around December 13th 2000.
Published on 1/10/2001 On May 26, 2000, she died at home, due the inhumane brutal tortures inflicted on her by those vicious guards.
Published on 1/16/2001 Zhang Maoxing Tortured to Death in Police Custody on Spring Festival in 2001
Published on 1/16/2001 she opposed the inhumane torture by going on a hunger strike and died after drunk a "suspicious soymilk" on Jan 04 2001.