AP: 2/13/2000 reports practitioners practice the exercises
BBC 2/23/2000 reports HK Falun Gong Practitioners protesting bruth crackdown
BBC 4/2000 reports Jiang's regime still persecutes Falun Gong
World Journal September, 2000: Practitioners practice in National Mall in DC
World Journal September, 2000: Practitioners parade in New York City
World Journal September, 2000 reported practitioners from 30 countries march in New York
Practitioner Zhang Erping
World Journal: Practitioners appeal in Hong Kong
World Journal: Practitioners appeal in Hong Kong
Duowei 9/3/00: More Than One Thousand Practitioners Practiced and Introduced Dafa in New York
World Journal reports pratitioners are in New York to appeal
Near 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners from 30 countries gathered in New York in 2000
Duowei News: USA concerns the crackdown on Falun Gong practitioners in Tiananmen Square
AP: Policemen, army, and riot-prevention officers were everywhere in Beijing Tiananmen Square
BBC: Falun Gong Sues Jiang Zemin
Plainclothes police arrest practitioners on Tiananmen Square
International Herald Tribune: Beijing afraid of belief
Police brutally arrest and torture Falun Gong practitioners on Tiananmen Square
Plainclothes police arrest peaceful practitioners appwaling on Tiananmen Square
Epoch Times reports the terror in Tiananmen Square
Report from New York: Falun Gong Sue Jiang Zemin
Report from New York: Lin Xiaoxu couple returned USA
Two plainclothes police arresting a Falun Gong practitioner in police uniform on Tiananmen Square
World Journal 11/2000
China violates Falun Gong practitioners' human rights.
AP reports police arrest practitioners on Tiananmen Square
BBC: Chinese government detaining Falun Gong practitioners
BBC reports Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death
BBC reports practitioners practice together
Canada Radio: 1/16/01 Falun Gong's appeal
Epoch Times reports practitioners protest peacefully
Epoch Times reports police arrest and torture practitioners
BBC: Practitioners practicing Falun Gong exercises
AP: China arrest Falun Gong Followers