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Published on 8/1/1997 Published on 5/22/2001 Published on 5/22/2001 Published on 5/22/2001
San Francisco

Invited Demonstrastion

Invited Demonstrastion

Invited Demonstrastion

Published on 5/22/2001 Published on 6/5/2001 Expose the evil and clarify the truth in Chinatown of Chicago Published on 6/5/2001 Peaceful Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy in Chicago Published on 6/21/2001 Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey, June 2001
Invited Demonstrastion

Picture Show in Chicago

Peaceful Appeal in Chicago

Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey

Published on 6/21/2001 Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey, June 2001
Published on 6/21/2001 Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey, June 2001
Published on 6/23/2001 Chinese Elm in Virginia Published on 6/23/2001 Chinese Elm in Virginia
Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey

Promoting Falun Gong in Turkey

Chinese Elm in Virginia

Chinese Elm in Virginia

Sitemap Photo Archieve Clearwisdom